Careers in International Arbitration

Unless otherwise listed in the Event Description, all times are U.S. Eastern Time (ET).

The Howard M. Holtzmann Center for International Arbitration and Conciliation at the American Society of International Law (ASIL) and the Society’s New Professionals Interest Group invite you to attend a career panel on international arbitration. International arbitration is a growing area of work among international lawyers, involving constantly developing areas of international law and a wide variety of actors, including international organizations, private firms and businesses, and individual arbitrators. Finding the appropriate avenue to enter this field of practice, however, can be difficult. Panelists at this event will share their perspectives as experienced professionals in private practice, government, and international organizations. The moderator will pose questions to highlight professional development advice.


  • Daniela Arguello, Legal Consultant, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
  • Juan Felipe Marizalde, Special Legal Consultant, Dechert LLP
  • Victoria Shannon, Assistant Professor of Law, ASIL Academic Partner Washington and Lee School of Law
  • Jeremy Sharpe, Chief of Investment Arbitration, Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State


  • Susan Karamanian, Associate Dean for International and Comparative Legal Studies, ASIL Academic Partner George Washington University Law School

This event will be streamed live at

Date and Location

Thursday, March 20, 2014 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Tillar House, American Society of International Law
Address 1: 
2223 Massachusetts Ave, NW