ICTIG Debate: Immunities and the Terrorism Exception [1]
Join us for a thought-provoking, in-person debate at Tillar House on the contentious issue of sovereign immunity and its intersection with national security. In recent years, the International Court of Justice has been increasingly seized of disputes raising violations of the law of immunities, testing its limits in cases involving serious human rights violations. In 2023, for example, Iran challenged Canadian legislation, purporting to establish a "terrorism exception" to foreign sovereign immunity, raising complex legal and policy implications.
Our debaters will tackle the question: Does international law permit nations to carve out exceptions to sovereign immunity for states designated as sponsors of terrorism? Arguing in the affirmative, Kimberly Larkin will contend that the terrorism exception is a lawful tool for holding accountable those who enable and support terrorist activities. Conversely, Farah El-Barnachawy will assert that such measures are incompatible with fundamental principles of state immunity. Chatham House rules apply; networking reception, sponsored by Three Crowns LLP, to follow.
- Kimberly Larkin, Associate General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, U.S. Department of Defense
- Farah El-Barnachawy, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations
- Thomas Weatherall (moderator), Attorney-Adviser, Office of the Legal Adviser for Diplomatic Law and Litigation, U.S Department of State
Please contact the ASIL Service Center at services@asil.org [2] or (+1) 202-939-6001.
This event is free and open to the public, but space is limited. Registration required.
Questions about registering? Please contact the ASIL Service Center at services@asil.org [2] or (+1) 202-939-6001.