U.S. Plans Re-engagement with UNHRC [1]
On February 8, 2021, U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, announced U.S. plans to re-engage with the United Nations Human Rights Council, after the Trump administration's withdrawal from the Council in 2018. As reported [3] by The Guardian, Blinken stated that the 2018 withdrawal "created a vacuum of US leadership" that has been used to the advantage of "countries with authoritarian agendas." Blinken noted the importance of U.S. leadership in "address[ing] the council's deficiencies and ensur[ing] it lives up to its mandate." This is another in a line of steps taken to re-engage with the international community since Biden took office in January, alongside the United States' decision to rejoin the Paris Accord and the World Health Organization.