ICTR Appeals Chamber Delivers Judgment in Ndahimana Case (December 16, 2013) [1]
On December 16, 2013, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda delivered a judgment [3] in the Prosecutor v. Grégoire Ndahimana case. According to the press release [4], the Appeals Chamber “set[] aside some of the Trial Chamber’s findings and increas[ed] the sentence of 15 years of imprisonment imposed on Mr. Ndahimana by the Trial Chamber to a sentence of 25 years of imprisonment.” The Appeals Chamber affirmed Ndahimana’s convictions for genocide and extermination as a crime against humanity “for failing to punish his subordinates from the Kivumu communal police for the killings perpetrated at Nyange Church on 15 April 1994” as well as extermination as a crime against humanity “for the killings perpetrated at Nyange Church on 16 April 1994.” Ndahimana will remain in the United Nations Detention Facility in Arusha, Tanzania, until transfer to the country where he will serve his sentence.