New Professionals

The New Professionals Interest Group is comprised of law students and international lawyers new to the field of international law. The group's activities include career development programs, networking events, receptions, and seminars on careers in international law and have featured collaboration with similar groups, such as The International Law Students Association. The New Professionals welcome law students and encourage the full participation of its members in the broader activities of the Society, facilitating the transition from studying law to becoming active members of the bar.
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Group Officers

Barbara Bazánth
Colleen Devine
Freya Baetens
Chad Farrell
Stuart Ford
Stefan Kirchner
Philipp Kotlaba
Massimo Lando
Vladyslav Lanovoy
Sara Ochs
Lisa Reinsberg
Julia Sherman
Meg deGuzman
Nienke Grossman
Lucia Solano
Ashley Belyea
Cindy Buys
Kathy Roberts
Lauren Hughes
Andrea Prasow
Mayeen Mohammedi

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Group Officers

Barbara Bazánth's picture
Barbara Bazánth
Colleen Devine's picture
Colleen Devine
Matthew Gomez's picture
Matthew Gomez
Staff Liaison

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