International Law in Brief

European Court of Justice Finds that Homosexual Applicants May Constitute a Particular Social Group for Asylum Purposes (November 7, 2013)

Steven Arrigg Koh

The European Court of Justice

Bangladesh War Crimes Tribunal Issues Death Sentences (November 3, 2013; November 5, 2013)

Kathleen A. Doty

The International Crimes Tribunal Bangladesh reportedly sentenced

UN General Assembly Calls for End to U.S. Embargo Against Cuba (October 29, 2013)

Kathleen A. Doty

On October 29, 2013, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for an end to the economic, commerci

UN Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking Report Finds Lack of Reintegration for Victims (October 14, 2013)

Kathleen A. Doty

A new UN-backed report,

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Nominates New Judge to Šešelj case (October 31, 2013)

Steven Arrigg Koh

Judge Carmel Agius, Acting President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, issued a decision assig

Closing Arguments Conclude in Case 002/01 at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (October 31, 2013)

Steven Arrigg Koh

The Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) concluded 10 days of closing statements in Case 002/01 against Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea.

Special Tribunal for Lebanon Trial Chamber Holds First Pre-Trial Conference in Ayyash et al. Case (October 29, 2013)

Steven Arrigg Koh

A Trial Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon held its first pre-trial conference in the Ayyash et al.

EU Commission Opines that UK’s Patent Box Breaches Code of Conduct for Business Taxation (October 14, 2013)

Steven Arrigg Koh

The EU Commission has found that the UK’s “patent box” scheme—adopted earlier this year and providing a 10% rate of corporation tax for income derived from patents—violates the EU Code of Conduct f

Tax Officials Meet in Paris to Discuss OECD’s Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (September 27, 2013)

Steven Arrigg Koh

Over 300 senior tax officials from more than 100 jurisdictions and international organizations met in Paris during the 18th Annual Tax Treaty Meeting to discuss solutions to unintended double non-t

Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court Rules on Presence of Accused at Trial in Ruto Case (October 25, 2013)

Kathleen A. Doty

Click here for Judgment (approximately 27 pages); click