Blogs Archive

E.g., 07/2024

E.g., 07/2024

October 14, 2019
President Trump signed an...
October 11, 2019

At the UNHCR High-Level Segment on Statelessness held this week in Geneva, UN member states made over 300 pledges to tackle statelessness. A...

October 09, 2019

On October 3, the United States and the United Kingdom signed an "...

October 09, 2019

On October 8, the United States and Japan signed an ...

October 08, 2019
On October 8, 2019, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) unanimously held that there had been a violation by two judges of the High Council of the Judiciary in Portugal of the applicants...
October 03, 2019
On October 3, 2019, the Fifth Section of the European Court of Human Rights gave its judgment in ...
October 03, 2019
On October 3, 2019, the Court of Justice of the European Union (C.J.E.U.) issued its ...
October 02, 2019
On October 1, 2019, the International Bar Association (IBA) and the World Bank published a joint report titled, “...