Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual property rights are one of the most discussed global topics of today. There has been a generalized focus within the Interest Group on the intersection of intellectual property and trade law because, in addition to being a stand-alone issue, intellectual property is also increasingly being addressed as a trade issue under the global trade framework. The IPIG serves to bring members up-to-date information on the development of intellectual property law on a global basis, following and reporting significant changes in laws throughout the world relating to patents, copyrights and trade sectors; this is done through a combination of yearly newsletters, e-mail alerts, sponsorship of panel programs and the hosting of a reception at the ASIL Annual Meeting, co-sponsorship of conferences, and invitations to group members to comment and participate in meetings or initiatives relating to international intellectual property law.

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Group Officers

Mary Ann McGrail
Daniel S. Hofileña
Freya Baetens
Chad Farrell
Stuart Ford
Stefan Kirchner
Philipp Kotlaba
Massimo Lando
Vladyslav Lanovoy
Sara Ochs
Lisa Reinsberg
Julia Sherman
Meg deGuzman
Nienke Grossman
Lucia Solano
Ashley Belyea
Cindy Buys
Kathy Roberts
Lauren Hughes
Andrea Prasow
Mayeen Mohammedi

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Group Officers

Daniel S. Hofileña's picture
Daniel S. Hofileña
Mary Ann McGrail's picture
Mary Ann McGrail
Matthew Gomez's picture
Matthew Gomez
Staff Liaison

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