Using Trade Tools to Fight Climate Change
By Jennifer Hillman, Loriane Damien
International Trade Law and Global Data Governance: Aligning Perspectives and Practices
By Neha Mishra
Reimagining Crisis Support: Matrix, Roadmap and Policy
By Tina Minkowitz
The Age of Climate Change and International Law: Perspectives, reflections and proposals
By Catherine Tinker, ed., Carla Perin, Claudine Smolenaars, Eder Lopez, Isabela Welter, Ricardo Aveline, Thomas Freitas
Bolívar's Impossible Dream: Latin American Trade Integration Organizations
By Rafael A. Porrata-Doria,
Net Zero and Natural Resources Law
By Damilola Olawuyi, José Juan González, Hanri Mostert, Milton Fernando Montoya, Catherine Banet
Institut de Droit international.150 Years of Contributing to the Development of International Law. Justitia et Pace (1873-2023)
By Maarcelo Kohewn & Iris van der Heijden
International Law: Cases and Materials (8th ed.)
By Lori Damrosch, Sean Murphy, Julian Arato
International Law and Contemporary Global Challenges
By Max Hilaire
Data Sovereignty: From the Digital Silk Road to the Return of the State
By Anupam Chander, Haochen Sun
The Adjudicator's Toolkit and the Force of International Law: Comparing Trade and Investment Disputes
By Nicola Strain
Principles of International Energy Transition Law
By Leonardo Sempertegui, Frederic Sourgens
Interactions Between EU Law and International Law. Juxtaposed Perspectives
By Tamás Molnár - Ramses A Wessel
Theory of Obligations in International Law
By Cezary Mik
Realising the Right to Water and Sanitation in Nigeria: A Human Rights-Based-Ecosystem Approach
By Kasim Balarabe
The Making of an International Investment Facilitation Framework: Legal, Political and Economics Perspectives
By Axel Berger and Manjiao Chi (eds.)
Litigating Climate Change in the Global South
By Jolene Lin, Jacqueline Peel
Bõs (Gabčíkovo)–Nagymaros: International Law, Politics, Environmental Protection
By Boldizsár Nagy
The EU Geo-Blocking Regulation: A Commentary
By Marketa Trimble
ICSID Rules and Regulations 2022: Article-by-Article Commentary
By Richard Happ, Stephan Wilske