Books by ASIL Members

Regional Cooperation in Amazonia: A Comparative Environmental Law Analysis

By Maria Antonia Tigre

Judgeships in Iran: Step Down, You Are a Woman: A Legal Analysis of International Human Rights: A History of Women's Rights in Iran and Women Judges in the United States

By Delaram Farzaneh

Transitions in Caribbean Law: Lawmaking Constitutionalism and the Confluence of National and International Law

By David S Berry and Tracy Robinson, eds.

Beyond International Conditionality : local Variations of Minority Representation in Central and South-Eastern Europe

By Balázs Vizi, Norbert Tóth, Edgár Dobos

The Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Law

By Raju KD

Remedies under the WTO Legal System

By R Rajesh Babu

Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations

By Michael Schmitt

Research Methods in Human Rights, A Handbook

By Bård A. Andreassen, Hans-Otto Sano, Siobhán McInerney-Lankford

Habeas Corpus in International Law

By Brian Farrell

The American Convention on Human Rights: Essential Rights

By Thomas Antkowiak, Alejandra Gonza

Atrocity Speech Law: Foundation, Fragmentation, Fruition

By Gregory S. Gordon

International Criminal Tribunals: A Normative Defense

By Larry May, Shannon Fyfe

Legal Aspects of Brexit

By Jennifer Hillman and Gary Horlick

a clutch of eggs

By Lila Bakke

Strategic Treaty Management: Practice and Implications

By Thomas F. McInerney

Foundations of Veterinary Sanitary and Food Safety Legislation. Treatise, Vol. 2, First Edition


Foundations of Veterinary Sanitary and Food Safety Legislation. Treatise, Vol. 1, First Edition


Anti-Impunity and the Human Rights Agenda

By Karen Engle, Zinaida Miller, D. M. Davis

The External Dimension of EU Private International Law After Opinion 1/13

By Pietro Franzina (ed.), Paul Beaumont, Marise Cremona, Serena Forlati, Giorgio Gaja, Jan-Jaap Kuipers, Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti, Alex Mills, Chris Thomale, Chiara E. Tuo, Karen Vandekerckhove, Alessandra Zanobetti

International Law in the Cuban Legal System

By Marco Mastracci