Appointment and Removal of ISDS Arbitrators: Practical Problems and Prospects for Reform

Unless otherwise listed in the Event Description, all times are U.S. Eastern Time (ET).

Event starts at 1:00 PM London time.

Challenges to and removal of arbitrators in context are becoming more commonplace in investor-state dispute settlement. The parties brought a record number of challenges in the last few years. The BIICL Investment Treaty Forum is convening an online meeting to discuss practical issues and difficulties that arise in the context of appointment and removal of arbitrators. The event will gather representatives of states, arbitrators, arbitral institutions, other members of the Investment Treaty Forum and members of the public. The panellists will discuss the current situation in the field, the common rules applicable to the appointment of tribunals and concerns about the current mechanisms expressed by States and other stakeholders.The participants will also examine proposals for reform, including the introduction of a standing mechanism or an internationally recognised.


  • Chloe Carswell, Reed Smith, London
  • Serhat Eskiyörük, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Ankara
  • Shreyas Jayasimha, Aarna Law, Bengaluru
  • Garth Schofield, Permanent Court of Arbitration, the Hague

Date and Location

Monday, March 29, 2021 - 9:00am to 11:00am