Empire (Star Wars) or Utopia (Star Trek)? The Predictive Power of History, Policy, and Pop Culture

Episode One - Why care about Han Solo and Captain Kirk?

This event is organized by ASIL’s Space Law Interest Group.

Humanity is currently experiencing a space renaissance. Outer space is now more accessible than at any time in human history. However, the outer space legal regime lacks examples of State practice. International law scholars and practitioners are sometimes at odds about which laws apply and how they apply. No doubt about it, there are limited examples of State practice to develop customary international law in outer space or to assist in interpreting existing treaty law. HOWEVER, there are numerous examples within literature, TV, movies, and other pop culture. By turning to pop culture, like the adventures of Han Solo and Captain Kirk, we can think through the application of legal principles in outer space. And by deepening our understanding of legal principles, perhaps we can move toward a future that looks more like utopia than empire. This is the first event in the Empire (Star Wars) or Utopia (Star Trek)? The Predictive Power of History, Policy, and Pop Culture event series.


  • Michelle L.D. Hanlon, University of Mississippi School of Law Center for Air and Space Law
  • David Kohnen, War Studies and Maritime History, US Naval War College
  • Bronwyn Morgan, XEO Air
  • Tracy L. Reynolds (moderator), Co-Chair, ASIL Space Law Interest Group
  • Matt "Penguin" Taylln, Blue Halo & former US Navy Tomcat pilot