(still) Missing in Action: The International Crime of the Slave Trade


As part of the Promise Institute for Human Rights' High-Level Speaker Series on Women, Gender and the Law, Patricia Viseur Sellers will speak on the missing international crime of the slave trade, incorporating jurisprudence from the Yugoslavia tribunal and International Criminal Court as well as evidence of the Yazidi and the Libyan situation of Slave Markets. With a particular focus on gender, she will examine how this trajectory ties into current issues of reparations for slavery and colonialism. Patricia Sellers is an international criminal lawyer and the Special Advisor for Gender for the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. She was instrumental in pushing international criminal law to address sexual violence as a prosecutor and gender advisor at the ad hoc tribunals for Rwanda and Yugoslavia. She has been a Special Legal Consultant to UN Women, to the Gender and Women's Rights Division of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and to the UN Secretary General's Special Representative to Children in Armed Conflict. Her expertise focuses on the strategic investigation and prosecution of sexual violence.

Date and Location

Friday, October 23, 2020 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm