Recent Peace Agreement Negotiations: Successes and challenges from the Eritrea-Ethiopia, US-Taliban and Yemen negotiations

The Society's 114th Annual Meeting—and first Virtual Annual Meeting—took place June 25–26, 2020. The 2020 Annual Meeting theme, "The Promise of International Law," was an opportunity to reflect on the successes and failures of international law, while reaffirming our commitment to achieving its promise of a more just and peaceful world.
The recent peace agreement negotiations in the situations of Eritrea-Ethiopia, U.S.-Taliban, and Yemen each had different dynamics and prevailing considerations. They also ranged in the extent to which the parties sought to resolve disputes through recourse to adjudication rather than political settlement. The objective of the panel is to illustrate the approaches that were utilized and the extent to which international legal principles were (or were not) essential and helpful to the deliberations. This necessarily includes a discussion of the techniques that were deployed, and the experiences of individuals directly involved.

Margaux Day, Accountability Counsel (Moderator)
Ephraim Isaac, Institute of Semitic Studies, Princeton, NJ
Ibrahim Jalal, Middle East Institute
Laurel Miller, Crisis Group

(Speaker organizations are shown as of June 2020)