Planned Giving
When you establish or advise us of a planned gift, you will become a member of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) Heritage Circle. Membership involves no dues, obligations, solicitations, or current contributions. However, it does allow us to thank you today for the support you will be providing ASIL tomorrow and well into our second centennial. As a Heritage Circle Member, you will be recognized in our publications and be invited to exclusive donor events.
Examples of planned gifts include:
Cash is the easiest type of asset with which you can make a gift today in support of the ASIL Endowment for International Law. Consult with your tax advisor on the amount of your cash gift that can be deducted from your federal income tax as a charitable donation. If you are unable to use your entire deduction in one year, it can be carried forward up to five years.
A gift of appreciated stocks, bonds or other publicly traded securities can be made directly to ASIL in support of the ASIL Endowment for International Law. Consult with your tax advisor on the amount of your securities gift that can be deducted from your federal income tax as a charitable donation. If you are unable to use your entire deduction in one year, it can be carried forward up to five years.
Add the American Society of International Law as a beneficiary of all or a portion of your IRA, 401(k)/403(b) or other qualified retirement plan in support of ASIL Endowment for International Law. Consult with your tax advisor on how such a gift may avoid both an estate tax and an income tax that would be due to non- spousal beneficiaries.
Name the American Society of International Law as a beneficiary of all or a portion of a life insurance policy in support of ASIL Endowment for International Law. You also might consider transferring ownership of a policy you no longer need to ASIL. Additionally, you might consider purchasing a new policy and assigning it to ASIL or naming ASIL as a full beneficiary. Consult with your tax advisor on the tax benefits of donating life insurance proceeds and claiming insurance premiums as an additional charitable deduction.
Include the American Society of International Law as a beneficiary in your will or living trust in support of ASIL Endowment for International Law. There are several types of bequests. Most common are bequests for a specific dollar amount or a percentage (see sample) of the donor’s total estate. Other examples include residual and contingent bequests, which are conditional upon distribution of estate assets or the death of a named primary beneficiary. Consult with your tax advisor as to whether a charitable bequest can reduce the size of your estate tax.
A gift of real estate in support of the ASIL Endowment for International Law may minimize certain estate or income taxes. Consult with your tax advisor about the benefits of donating real estate. Such gifts are subject to acceptance in accordance with ASIL’s policies.
Consider a gift of personal assets in support of the ASIL Endowment for International Law. Examples of personal assets that can be donated are tangible property like virtual currency, rare books, stamp or coin collections, art collections, jewelry, antiques, commercial equipment and inventory; and intangible property including intellectual property. Gifts of items valued in excess of $5,000 are required to have a qualified appraisal within 60 days of the donation. Consult with your tax advisor about the benefits of donating personal assets. Please note that such gifts are subject to acceptance in accordance with ASIL’s policies.
Please consult your tax or financial advisor before making a gift. American Society of International Law is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our tax identification number is 53-0242653.