Book Discussion on The Everyday Makers of International Law published by Cambridge University Press
Gender Persecution Policy
Remembering Rwanda: Commemorating and Drawing Lessons from the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda
'Ignorance and Blame in International Criminal Law' Virtual launch of the book The Defence of Mistake of Law in International Criminal Law: A Study on Ignorance and Blame
Global Engagement Series - Democracy, Populism, and the Role of International Law in Latin America
Global Engagement Series
Cosponsored by the Latin America Interest Group
Global Engagement Series - A Peace Pact with Nature: CBD COP15 and the future of biodiversity conservation
Global Engagement Series
Co-sponsored by the European Society of International Law
Global Engagement Series - The Prospects for Electoral Democracy in 2023: Africa’s Elections, Courts and Rise of Authoritarianism
Global Engagement Series
Co-sponsored by the African Society of International Law, the African Association of International Law,, and the African International Economic Law Network
Global Engagement Series - The Shifting Geopolitical Landscape and International Law in the Asia-Pacific
Global Engagement Series
Cosponsored by the Asian Society of International Law