International Law in Brief

International Law in Brief (ILIB) is a forum that provides updates on current developments in international law from the editors of ASIL's International Legal Materials.
| By: Kathleen A. Doty : October 15, 2013 |

Click here for press release (approximately 3 pages)

In a special plenary, the judges of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) re-elected Judge Theodor Meron as President of the Tribunal and Judge Carmel Agius as Vice-President. Both will serve two-year terms scheduled to begin November 17, 2013. Judge Meron, of the United States, has served as ICTY President twice before. Judge Agius, of Malta, has served as ICTY Vice-President since 2011.

| By: Kathleen A. Doty : October 15, 2013 |

Click here for press release in Spanish (approximately 1 page); click here for the Decision in Spanish (approximately 15 pages)

The Inter-American Court of Human rights ruled to close and archive the case of Castañeda Gutman v. México. The case concerned a dispute over the lack of effective remedy for Mr. Castañeda Gutman, a Mexican presidential candidate in 2006, to challenge the State’s refusal to register him as a candidate. The Court found that the State, through various domestic legal reforms, has now complied with the orders of the court and the provisions of the...

| By: Kathleen A. Doty : October 15, 2013 |

Click here for press release (approximately 1 page)

Judge Soji Yamamoto, a Member of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea from 1996 to 2005, passed away on September 19, 2013. Judge Yamamoto was a renowned international lawyer and member and past president of the Japanese Society of International Law. Prior to his election as judge of the Tribunal, Judge Yamamoto served as Adviser and Special Adviser for Japan at several international meetings, including the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. He also held chairs in international law at Seikei University and Tohoku...

| By: Kathleen A. Doty : October 15, 2013 |

Click here for press release (approximately 2 pages); download of Agreement available via link, here (approximately 5 pages)

Argentina and Ghana have concluded an Agreement regarding their dispute over the ARA Libertad, an Argentine frigate detained in Port of Tema, Ghana, in October 2012, and the subject of subsequent court proceedings. The Agreement signals the end of an arbitration proceeding initiated at the Permanent Court of Arbitration pursuant to Annex VII to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The States agreed that, among other conciliatory gestures, the...

| By: Kathleen A. Doty : October 15, 2013 |

Click here for Order on Partially Lifting the Confidentiality of the Indictment (approximately 4 pages); click here for redacted public Indictment (approximately 35 pages); click here for press release (approximately 2 pages)

A Pre-Trial Judge of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) has partially lifted the confidentiality on its July 2013 decision to confirm an indictment against Hassan Habib Merhi.  According to the press release, the confirmed indictment and an arrest warrant were transmitted to the Lebanese authorities so that they could search for Merhi, arrest him, and...

| By: Kathleen A. Doty : October 15, 2013 |

Click here for Judgment (approximately 60 pages); click here for press release (approximately 1 page)

The Caribbean Court of Justice has awarded Jamaican national Shanique Myrie Bds$2,240 in pecuniary damages and Bds$75,000 in non-pecuniary damages to be paid by the State of Barbados.  According to the press release, the Court “found that Ms Myrie had been wrongfully denied entry into Barbados, subjected to a humiliating cavity search and unlawfully detained overnight in a cell and expelled from Barbados.”  In making its ruling, the Court held that Caribbean Community (CARICOM)...

| By: Kathleen Doty : October 04, 2013 |

The Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has adopted a Code of Conduct for the OTP.  The Code sets "minimum standards of conduct applicable to all Members of the [OTP]" as a supplement to the general standards of conduct promulgated in other ICC Codes of Conduct and Staff Regulations.  The Code includes: standards of conduct such as independence, impartiality, and confidentiality; specific duties such as objective truth-seeking and disclosure; and working relations such as equal treatment, non-discrimination and non-harassment.  The Code entered into...

| By: Kathleen Doty : October 04, 2013 |

The U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Recurrence has issued a report relating to truth commissions and recently presented it to the Human Rights Council.  According to the press release, the Special Rapporteur contends that "truth commissions have made significant contributions to transitional processes" but "face various challenges which can lead to the non-implementation of recommendations," such as "overly broad mandates, flawed choices of commissioners, and insufficient and unreliable funding streams."  The Special Rapporteur...

| By: Kathleen Doty : October 04, 2013 |

In July 2013, the Federal Reserve Board approved a final rule that will increase the minimum requirements for both the quantity and quality of capital held by banking organizations.  According to the press release, the final rule "minimizes burden on smaller, less complex financial institutions" while "establish[ing] an integrated regulatory capital framework that addresses shortcomings in capital requirements, particularly for larger, internationally active banking organizations, that became apparent during the recent financial crisis."  The rule will implement the Basel III regulatory...

| By: Kathleen Doty : October 04, 2013 |

The Appeals Chamber of the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) has unanimously upheld the conviction of former Liberian President Charles Taylor on eleven counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and affirmed the fifty-year sentence imposed by the Trial Chamber.  In April 2012, an SCSL Trial Chamber had found Taylor guilty of aiding and abetting crimes that the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) and the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council rebel forces had committed against Sierra Leone's civilian population over a five-year period, as well as planning, with RUF Battlefield...