International Criminal Law

The International Criminal Law Interest Group has a primary purpose of facilitating networking on research, studies, drafts and proposals of a private or governmental nature concerning international criminal law and institutions, specifically the most severe international crimes such as genocide, war crimes, and other crimes against humanity, and issues of international criminal tribunals vs. domestic prosecution.

The group also organizes panels on international criminal law and institutions at the ASIL Annual Meeting, sponsors conferences and regional meetings, and looks to collaborate in the future with other groups of similar interest.

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Group Officers

Ryan Liss
Steven Arrigg Koh
Laura Luca
Suhong Yang
Freya Baetens
Chad Farrell
Stuart Ford
Stefan Kirchner
Philipp Kotlaba
Massimo Lando
Vladyslav Lanovoy
Sara Ochs
Lisa Reinsberg
Julia Sherman
Meg deGuzman
Nienke Grossman
Lucia Solano
Ashley Belyea
Cindy Buys
Kathy Roberts
Lauren Hughes
Andrea Prasow
Mayeen Mohammedi

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Group Officers

Laura Luca's picture
Laura Luca
Matthew Gomez's picture
Matthew Gomez
Staff Liaison
Ryan Liss's picture
Ryan Liss
Steven Arrigg Koh's picture
Steven Arrigg Koh
Suhong Yang's picture
Suhong Yang

Group Documents & Publications

Group Blog

As one of the editors of ASIL Insights, Matiangai Sirleaf extends a special invitation to our IG members to contribute pieces. ASIL Insights...