International Economic Law

The International Economic Law Interest Group of the American Society of International Law is devoted to the study and practice of international economic law. It engages in various activities, including conferences and study projects, and seeks to assist in fostering greater understanding and education in international economic law. It publishes a newsletter and maintains an e-mail listserv for online discussions among its members.

The group is honored to announce the three winners of the first ASIL International Economic Law Interest Group & Customs and International Trade Bar Association Summer Fellowship Awards. These fellowships provide financial support for law students from underrepresented groups to take up unpaid internships in the field. This year's inaugural winners are Cheyenne Kleinberg of the Michigan Law, Julio Ruiz-Gomez of Fordham Law, and William White of Brooklyn Law. Congratulations to all three winners! We look forward to welcoming these students to the field.

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Group Officers

Joanna Langille
Julianne Marley
Wolfgang Alschner
Co-Vice Chair
Guillermo Jose Garcia Sanchez
Co-Vice Chair
Freya Baetens
Chad Farrell
Stuart Ford
Stefan Kirchner
Philipp Kotlaba
Massimo Lando
Vladyslav Lanovoy
Sara Ochs
Lisa Reinsberg
Julia Sherman
Meg deGuzman
Nienke Grossman
Lucia Solano
Ashley Belyea
Cindy Buys
Kathy Roberts
Lauren Hughes
Andrea Prasow
Mayeen Mohammedi

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Group Officers

Amy Porges's picture
Amy Porges
Advisory Body
David A. Gantz's picture
David A. Gantz
Advisory Body
Guillermo Jose Garcia Sanchez's picture
Guillermo Jose Garcia Sanchez
Co-Vice Chair
Joanna Langille's picture
Joanna Langille
Julianne Marley's picture
Julianne Marley
Matthew Gomez's picture
Matthew Gomez
Staff Liaison
Susan Franck's picture
Susan Franck
Advisory Body
Wolfgang Alschner's picture
Wolfgang Alschner
Co-Vice Chair