Unless otherwise listed in the Event Description, all times are U.S. Eastern Time (ET).
Engage with leading experts from the U.S. and U.K. about pressing legal ethics and professional regulatory issues facing each country's lawyers and law firms. As major developments continue to shape the nature of transatlantic business this conference will bring in depth insights on key issues such as Brexit, GDPR, Anti money laundering and terrorist finance initiatives, cross border conflicts of interest and professional privilege. If your firm is looking to understand how these issues affect your practice and how best to navigate the impacts book here. Designed to ensure in-depth insights, attendance is limited to the first 70 registrants (booking window is open until 26th October).
Date and Location
Friday, November 9, 2018 - 8:30am to 5:30pm
Kimpton Hotel Monaco
Address 1:
700 F St NW
Washington DC
Zip Code:
DC 20004