Emerging technologies have always played a role in armed conflict, from the crossbow to cyber capabilities. But their weaponization presents challenging questions with respect to the law of armed conflict. As States develop and exploit new technologies, how will the law of armed conflict address the use of these technologies on the battlefield? Have emerging technologies fundamentally altered the way we should understand concepts such as law-of-war precautions and the principle of distinction? How can we ensure compliance and accountability in light of technological advancement? The new volume of the Lieber Studies Series (the flagship publication of the Lieber Institute for Law and Land Warfare) explores these critical questions while highlighting the legal challenges--and opportunities--presented by the use of emerging technologies on the battlefield. Professor Eric Jensen, one of the volume editors and contributor will lead a virtual roundtable dialogue with several chapter authors to discuss the book, their contributions, and the impact of emerging technology not only upon the law of armed conflict but the potential for future arms control regimes.
This webinar will take place live online via Zoom. Registration is free, but required. The participation link will be sent to all who register online.
- Professor Eric Talbot Jensen, Brigham Young University Law School
- Professor Laurie R. Blank, Emory University School of Law
- Professor Laura Dickinson, George Washington University Law School
- Mr. Michael Meier, Special Assistant to the Army Judge Advocate General for Law of War Matters, Office of the Judge Advocate General, U.S. Army
Co-organized by the Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament Law Interest Group and the Lieber Society for the Law of Armed Conflict