Panel Presentation Invitation: Ukrainian Conflict: Escape + Law v. Politics

Unless otherwise listed in the Event Description, all times are U.S. Eastern Time (ET).

Distinguished Professor Emeritus Bill Slomanson will focus on law and geopolitics.  As an author and expert in the areas of International Law and Civil Procedure, he has taught or lectured in 20 countries, including Russia and Ukraine. He has written on subjects covering neighboring disputed territory/enclaves. The 7th edition of his textbook, Fundamental Perspectives on International Law, has just been published by Cambridge University Press.

Olga Ilinska fled Ukraine with her then two-year-old son.  Ms. Ilinska is a native Ukrainian translator and a Japanese-English-Russian linguist.  She used to work with Embassy of Japan in Ukraine and the United Nations Development Programme in Kyiv.  Currently, Ms. Ilinska works as an interpreter at the International Rescue Committee and with Poway Unified School District as a Japanese language teacher.

RSVP to Attend in Person - Click Here – Moot Courtroom, Room 201

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Date and Location

Friday, February 24, 2023 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Online & Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Address 1: 
701 B St, Suite 110
Address 2: 
Moot Court Room 201
San Diego
Zip Code: 