On January 23, 2014, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expressed concern about the recent entry into force of Law 30151, which amends Article 20(11) of Peru’s Criminal Code. The relevant provision exempts from liability to criminal prosecution any “personnel of the Armed Forces or National Police of Peru who cause injury or death in the performance of their duties and through the use of their weapons or other means of defense.” The IACHR recalled Peru’s duty, pursuant to the American Convention on Human Rights, to effectively investigate any deprivation of the right to life or violation of the right to physical integrity and, as appropriate, punish all those responsible, particularly where agents of the State may be involved.” The IACHR thus called on the government of Peru “to urgently modify its legal and administrative standards, as well as the operational plans and procedures of the institutions responsible for citizen security, in order to strengthen its capacity to prevent, investigate, and punish human rights violations resulting from any unlawful or excessive use of force by act or omission of State agents.”