Conflict Prevention and Mitigation / Post Conflict Reconstruction

UN Security Council Resolution 2125 on Piracy in Somalia (November 18, 2013)

Adom Malcolm Cooper

On November 18, 2013, the United Nations Security Council, acting under Chapter VII, condemned all acts of piracy committed at sea off the coast of Somalia and called upon Somali authorities “to pa

Military Justice, International Criminal Accountability and Cross-Cultural Contexts: US v. Bales

The Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict of the American Society of International Law is sponsoring a panel discussion about the Court-Martial of US Army Sgt Bales for the murder of 16 Afghan civilians. The case presents a unique opportunity to explore the challenges in both investigating and prosecuting a case involving crimes in a remote area of a war zone, differing cultural perceptions of accountability and justice, and the relationship between military justice and international criminal justice.


Post-2015: The MDGs, Legal Reform, and Development Policy

With the deadline for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) rapidly approaching, various groups are convening to talk about what is next. Many have indicated an imperative need for the inclusion of a rule of law component in the post-2015 framework, either as a separate goal or as a necessary underpinning to accomplish all development goals. The American Society of International Law will host a diverse group of rule of law development experts to address the issues of legal reform and development in the context of the MDGs.

The Use of Force Against a Nuclear Threat from Iran

Assuming efforts to achieve a negotiated resolution do not succeed, President Obama has made clear that the military option to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons remains on the table. Under what circumstance would the exercise of that option be consistent with domestic and international law? If the Security Council is blocked by Russia and China, what actions can the US or NATO take? Would authorization of the Congress be necessary? What about action by Israel?

Support for the Syrian Insurgency: What UN and International Norms Apply?

This course is the last installment of three programs in a series cosponsored by the American Society of International Law in partnership with the United Nations Association of the National Capital Area’s International Law Committee to address the issue of the use of force. When is it permissible? What is the role of the UN and how can it be carried out?

High School Curriculum

As the breadth of standardized examination requirements grows, international and human rights law is finding less and less room and nearly no mention in today’s high schools. To fill this gap, ASIL has created teaching modules modules designed for integration into existing history and civics curricula.

Tunisia at a Crossroads: Drafting a New Constitution


Tunisians captivated the world's attention in January 2011 when they flooded the streets to protest unemployment, corruption, and the lack of basic freedoms.  They ousted the autocratic President Zine Abidine Ben Ali in short order and inspired the "Arab Awakening."  Tunisia claimed a major success in October 2011, when the country held elections to choose representatives for a National Constituent Assembly (NCA).  The NCA is tasked with writing a constitution and governing Tunisia until the new constitution and permanent government are in place.

Katie Zoglin
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Organizations of Note: 

The Security Council and the Intervention Brigade: Some Legal Issues


On March 28, 2013, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) authorized an Intervention Brigade (the Brigade) - its "first-ever 'offensive' combat force" - to undertake military operations against armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).[1] This Insight describes some of the legal issues that arise from the Brigade's mandate.

The Resolution

Bruce 'Ossie' Oswald