Signature Topics - Climate Change
Reforming International Environmental Law for the Anthropocene?
Transitional Justice in a Hostile Climate
Climate Change Litigation and the Future of the International Climate Change Regime
ISDS and Climate Change Policies: A barrier, facilitator, or neither
A Global Pact for the Environment
Paris Agreement and Consensus to Address Climate Challenge
A world record 150 country leaders launched landmark climate talks in Paris. The 2015 Paris Agreement provides tools for states to commit to climate mitigation goals, to collectively ratchet up their ambition, and to oversee their implementation. Representatives of 195 nations have adopted this climate blueprint.
This Insight provides an overview of the Decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21 Decision) and the Paris Agreement that map engagement on:
The Human Rights Based Approach to Carbon Finance
The Advent of the United Nations Environment Assembly
“We need to act decisively to change humanity's relationship with our planet,” said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Nairobi on June 27, 2014 at the closing session of the first historic meeting of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA).[1]