Transnational Litigation, Arbitration, and Dispute Resolution
The International Law of Sovereign Debt Dispute Settlement
'Ignorance and Blame in International Criminal Law' Virtual launch of the book The Defence of Mistake of Law in International Criminal Law: A Study on Ignorance and Blame
Covid-19 and International Business and Economic Law – China and a Changing World
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in Investor-State Disputes: History, Evolution and Future
CV Azab Alaziz Alhahsemi
Modern Trends in Arbitration in Civil and Commercial Matters in Qatar within the Framework of a Contemporary Legal Vision
Arbitration in the UAE: explaining the new arbitration lawNo. {6} for the year 2018
Belokon v. Kyrgyzstan: Practical Implications of Award Set-Asides Arising from Corruption Allegations
As one of the most arbitration-friendly jurisdictions, French courts have long had a tradition of judicial non-interference in the arbitral process.[1] In the context of annulment proceedings, French courts are normally granted limited scope in reviewing arbitral awards.
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