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ICC Issues Arrest Warrants Against Israeli and Hamas Officials

Brita Jelen

Resolution on Slavery and the Slave Trade

ASIL members please log in to view the proposed resolution.

Members of the American Society of International Law are asked to consider for adoption a resolution relating to principles of international law and international relations.

Sovereign Debt issues in Latin America

It is estimated that within Latin America, most countries have a sovereign debt that exceeds half of their GDP. This is cited as a factor limiting the region from attaining sustainable development goals.

ICC Finds Mongolia Violated Rome Statute by Failing to Arrest Putin

Justine N. Stefanelli

On Thursday, October 24, 2024, the International Criminal Court (ICC) Pre-Trial Chamber II unanimously found that Mongolia violated i

EU Court Recognizes Taliban's Discriminatory Measures Against Afghan Women as Acts of Persecution

Brita Jelen