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UN Human Rights Council Mission on Myanmar Finds Grave Violations of International Law (August 27, 2018)

Caitlin Behles

On August 27, 2018, the UN Human Rights Council released the Report of Independent Inter

ICC Prosecutor Closes Investigation into Gabon (September 21, 2018)

Caitlin Behles

On September 21, 2018, the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda decided to

ICC Issues New Sentences Against Defendants in Bemba Case (September 17, 2018)

Caitlin Behles

On September 17, 2018, the International Criminal Court (ICC) Trial Chamber VII delivered its re-sentencing

International Criminal Court Rules Rohingya Deportation Case May Move Forward (September 6, 2018)

Caitlin Behles

On September 6, 2018, International Criminal Court (ICC) Pre-Trial Chamber I held that the Court

European Court of Justice Rules on EU Refugee Standards for Palestinians with UNRWA Status (July 25, 2018)

Caitlin Behles

On July 25, 2018, the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union

Protocol No. 16 to the European Convention on Human Rights Enters into Force (August 1, 2018)

Caitlin Behles

On August 1, 2018, the Protocol No.

International Crimes Tribunal of Bangladesh Sentences Five to Death (August 13, 2018)

Caitlin Behles

On August 13, 2018, the International Crimes Tribunal of Bangladesh (ICTB) sentenced five people to

European Court of Justice Rules Mutagenesis to be Considered Within the GMO Directive (July 25, 2018)

Caitlin Behles

On July 25, 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union

Eritrea and Ethiopia Agree to Joint Declaration of Peace and Friendship (July 9, 2018)

Caitlin Behles

On July 9, 2018, Eritrea and Ethiopia agreed to a Joint

Organization of American States Passes Resolution Condemning Violence in Nicaragua (July 18, 2018)

Caitlin Behles

On July 18, 2018, the Organization of American States (OAS) passed a resolution condemning the vi