Advancing Gender Justice

The ASIL Signature Topic on Advancing Gender Justice aims to spark and advance conversations, dialogue and engagement with what it means to achieve gender justice in international law and institutions. The signature topic aims to explore the meaning of “gender justice” almost 30 years after the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing; while significant strides have been made in the past three decades, much remains to be done to achieve international law’s potential.

In line with ASIL’s role as a top convenor in the field of international law, the initiative will host events and gatherings on cutting-edge issues involving gender justice in an effort to illuminate areas of convergence and divergence in movements and efforts to achieve the rights of women, in all their diversity, and gender justice more broadly, to highlight recent successes and failures of international law and institutions, and to discuss obstacles to and strategies for achieving gender justice, both within the ASIL community and beyond, while recognizing and questioning the limits of international law and institutions.
Signature Topic Co-Chairs:
  • Christina Beharry (Foley Hoag)
  • Carrie Bettinger-Lopez (University of Miami)
  • Nienke Grossman (University of Baltimore)

Steering Committee:
  • Jose Alvarez, NYU
  • Karima Bennoune, University of Michigan
  • Lisa Davis, CUNY
  • J. Jarpa Dawuni, Howard University
  • Patricia Galvao Teles, ILC/Autonomous University of Lisbon
  • Maria Leoni, GQUAL
  • Valerie Oosterveld, Western University
  • Catherine Powell, Fordham School of Law
  • Akila Radhakrishnan, Atlantic Council
  • Philippa Scarlett, RELX
  • Payal Shah, Physicians for Human Rights
  • Adrien Wing, University of Iowa

Advisors to the Steering Committee:
  • Catherine Amirfar, Debevoise & Plimpton
  • Bernie Oxman, University of Miami

Aides to the Steering Committee:
  • Eva Treves, Foley Hoag
  • Iulia Padeanu Mellon, Foley Hoag
  • Maria Camila Rincon, Foley Hoag

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