The 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting
ASIL welcomed these honorees and keynote speakers at the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting

Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf
International Court of Justice
(2021 Honorary Member Recipient)

Louise Arbour
Former Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for International Migration
(2021 Goler T. Butcher Medalist)

Bernard H. Oxman
University of Miami School of Law
(2021 Manley O. Hudson Medalist)

Judge Gabrielle Kirk McDonald
2021 Prominent Woman in International Law awardee
(Women in International Law Interest Group session)

Yves Daudet
Curatorium of the Hague Academy of International Law
(2021 Grotius Lecturer)

Hannah Buxbaum
Indiana University Bloomington
(2021 Grotius Distinguished Discussant)

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Director-General, World Health Organization
(Keynote Remarks)

Lucy Reed
Independent Arbitrator
(2021 Charles N. Brower Lecturer)

David Miliband
President, International Rescue Committee
(Keynote Remarks)

The Global Engagement Series was presented in cooperation with leading regional societies of international law.