
ASIL offers tailored programs for its institutional colleagues – law firms, academic institutions, and publishers. Our partnerships combine recognition, advertising, participation, promotion, outreach, education, and association with access to ASIL's worldwide community of international law professionals. For more information, inlucding how to become a partner, expand the tabs below or contact ASIL's Partnership Department at partnerships@asil.org.

Connecting Students & Faculty to the World’s Top International Law Experts

By publishing the award-winning American Journal of International Law, hosting the world’s preeminent annual gathering of international law experts, and conducting programs serving students and faculty around the world, the American Society of International Law has maintained strong partnerships with the academic community for over a century. ASIL’s Academic Partnership Program promotes member schools’ programs and faculty to the Society’s worldwide community of international law professionals.

Academic Partner Brochure  

Free student membership for ASIL Partner School students!

PROFESSIONAL GROWTH: Provide specialized and practical knowledge to students and career center staff on pursuing a career in international law through our one-of-a-kind career trainings. ASIL's Midyear Meeting presents students with the opportunity to have their writing recognized. Empower and inspire your students through career-focused advice, access to premium online and print resources, and exclusive discounts for ASIL programs and events. ASIL’s meetings, programs, and interest group activities offer multiple ways for students to engage with international law.

VISIBILITY: Raise your school’s profile while enhancing the educational opportunities for your faculty and students by partnering with an elite international law community.

NETWORKING: Help your students connect with leading professionals through effective career development and mentoring programs.

To get started becoming a partner, use the form below. For other questions, contact partnerships@asil.org.
Interested in becoming an ASIL Academic Partner? Fill out this form to find out more and to get started.



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"As an Academic Partner of ASIL, our students, staff and faculty have access to cutting-edge international law programming, both on-line and in-person, for free or at reduced rates. UB students and staff benefit from career resources like the ASIL Job Board and ASIL staff trainings for our Career Development office and for students on how to launch a career involving international law. ASIL partnership has created real learning and engagement opportunities for our students and broader community." NIENKE GROSSMAN
"ASIL’s Academic Partnership provides our students with outstanding career resources – especially access to ASIL job board and career advising. Our students undoubtedly benefit from the tremendous educational and networking opportunities through our Academic Partnership." ALLEN S. WEINER
"ASIL’s academic partnership is a fabulous way for our faculty, staff, and students to stay connected from our Midwest location. Students enjoy the webinars on international law careers as well as the Annual Meeting. Ability of our career services staff to meet student demands is enhanced by ASIL’s training."ADRIEN K. WING

“I’ve watched our students take advantage of the opportunities and access presented by our Academic Partnership, learning, volunteering, and networking. I’ve been very lucky to see more than a few launch their careers in international law at an ASIL event.”

Harlan Cohen

“ASIL is an important organization that offers an array of resources to me and my students - from the Annual Meeting to ASIL insights to the American Journal of International Law. As an Academic Partner, Yale Law School not only demonstrates its support for ASIL, but it also gains access to a growing array of activities and resources. [Recently], for example, ASIL offered teaching guides to accompany the live streamed panels from the Annual Meeting - my students were able to watch the events in DC unfold from New Haven!”

Oona Hathaway
Bold indicates new partners.

ASIL Publisher Partners are able to promote their products and services to a worldwide community of international law professionals. There are four levels of Publisher Partnerships:  Platinum Package, $23,000; Gold Package, $15,000; Silver Package, $10,000; and Bronze Package, $5,000, with each level conferring a variety of benefits commensurate with the partnership level.

Publisher Partner Brochure  

At ASIL meetings – Publisher Partners receive top priority for exhibit space at ASIL Annual Meetings where, every spring, more than 1,400 leaders in international law gather together from more than 75 countries. In ASIL publications – Publisher Partners receive advertising opportunities, including in our flagship periodical, the American Journal of International Law, which has a circulation of more than 5,000 and is considered the leading periodical in the field. Partnerships also include advertising in International Legal Materials, a bimonthly compendium of primary source documents, and the ASIL Newsletter, a quarterly publication that covers timely international law developments, member news, and ASIL activities.

ASIL’s website, which receives approximately 900,000 visitors annually, offers opportunities to highlight the Publisher Partners' logos, linking to their websites.

To get started becoming a partner, use the form below. For other questions, contact partnerships@asil.org.
Interested in becoming an ASIL Publisher Partner? Fill out this form to find out more and to get started.



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Today, international law is every firm’s business. It affects more than a firm’s clients. It touches more practice areas. Becoming a Law Firm Partner of the American Society of International Law signals a firm’s leadership in this growing field. An ASIL Law Firm Partnership is a special opportunity to associate with, learn from, and support the Society’s educational excellence and worldwide network of international law professionals.

There are three available levels of Law Firm Partnership: Platinum, $20,000; Gold, $15,000; and Silver, $10,000. Each confers a variety of benefits commensurate with the membership level.

Law Firm Partner Brochure  

The greatest benefit extended to all Partner firms, no matter what their partnership level, is being on the leading edge of learning, networks, scholarship, and practice in international law through their institutional association with the Society.

Specifically, partnership offers discounted sponsorship, complimentary registration and special recognition for Partner firms at the ASIL Annual Meeting, which brings together more than 1,300 international law leaders from over 50 countries. Partnership also offers opportunities to partner with ASIL on co-hosted events at Tillar House (ASIL's historic headquarters), access and discounts to internationally focused continuing legal education (CLE) programs, and opportunities to profile the Partner firm and its international law expertise.

To get started becoming a Law Firm Partner, use the form below. For other questions, contact partnerships@asil.org.
Interested in becoming an ASIL Law Firm Partner? Fill out this form to find out more and to get started.
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Covington & Burling LLP

Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP

Dechert LLP

Steptoe & Johnson LLP

For more information, contact ASIL's Development Department at development@asil.org or +1-202-939-6003.