The First-Ever UN General Assembly Special Session against Corruption: Where do we go from there?
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Not allowed here...Following the first-ever Special session of the UN General Assembly (UNGASS) against corruption scheduled for June 2-4, 2021, the Anti-Corruption Law Interest Group of the American Society of International Law and the Anti-Corruption Committee of the International Bar Association will convene a panel discussion to discuss the main takeaways of this historic event and look at the future international agenda. Bringing together perspectives from civil society, private practice, and international organizations, the panel will take a first look at the political declaration adapted on the occasion and discuss some of the challenges ahead.
- Nicola Bonucci, Paul Hastings (Moderator)
- Claire Daams, Rey-Mermet Legal
- Sue Hawley, Executive Director, Spotlight on Corruption
- Shervin Majlessi, UNODC Chief of Section, Corruption and Economic Crime
- Patrick Moulette, Head of Anti-Corruption Division, OECD
Introductory and Conclusory Remarks by:
- Jan Dunin-Wasowicz, Chair of the Anti-Corruption Law Interest Group; Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
- Elisabeth Danon, International Organizations Liaison Officer, IBA Anti-Corruption Committee, OECD Anti-corruption Division
Organized by the Anti-Corruption Law Interest Group