A New Policy on Slavery Crimes at the ICC: What Difference Will it Make?
In its first public discussion following the December 2nd launch, this webinar will examine the promise and potential impact of the new Slavery Crimes Policy adopted by the International Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor. This policy represents the first-ever commitment by an international judicial institution to formally address slavery crimes. It is hoped that this commitment will guide justice actors to take a survivor-centered, trauma-informed, and gender-competent approach to such crimes, increasing the effectiveness of their investigation and prosecution, and thus providing greater opportunities for justice for more victims.
- Patricia Viseur Sellers, Special Advisor on Slavery to the ICC Prosecutor and co-author of the new policy
- Valerie Oosterveld, Professor and Chair in International Criminal Justice at Western University and Special Adviser on Crimes Against Humanity to the ICC Prosecutor
- Hilda Pineda Criminal Lawyer, former Human Rights Prosecutor, has litigated cases of Human Rights Violations in Guatemala, including the case called Sepur Zarco
- Judy Mionki, Counsel, International Criminal Court
- Kathleen Roberts (moderator), Co-Director, Partners in Justice International
Sponsored by the Women in International Law and International Criminal Law Interest Groups of the American Society of International Law and Partners in Justice International.