Women in International Law Networking Breakfast 2014
Women in International Law Networking Breakfast
July 31, 2014The Protection of Individual and Collective Rights in Investment Treaty Arbitration
June 17, 2014 Investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) plays a controversial role when it comes to the protection of rights. Questions have been raised about the ability of ISDS to safeguard individual interests, particularly human rights. The effect of ISDS on sustainable development, including the protection of collective rights (such as environmental and labor standards, and consumer protection), has also come to the fore as a crucial sticking point in the negotiations over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
2014 Annual Meeting

Careers in International Arbitration
Careers in International Arbitration
03/20/2014 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm (ET)
Remedies for Harm Caused by UN Peacekeepers
February 26, 2014 - The American Society of International Law, in cooperation with the United Nations Association-National Capital Area, the American Bar Association Section of International Law, and the Washington Foreign Law Society, presents "Remedies for Harm Caused by UN Peacekeepers." Allegations of misconduct and other activities by UN Peacekeepers that may result in harm to third parties raise serious concerns.
The Cost of Corruption on Global Business
February 6, 2014 - The cost of corruption is a heavy toll that is levied on the global economy, private companies and people around the world. On a macro level, recent data suggests that the cost of corruption equals more than 5% of global GDP ($2.6 trillion), and corruption increases the cost of doing business up to 10% globally, according to the World Economic Forum and the World Bank, respectively.
Careers in International Organizations
January 29, 2014 - Working at an international organization offers unique insight into how international law is made through the convergence of national interests, personal dynamics, global realities, and constantly evolving norms. But how does a lawyer enter these labyrinths? What is it like to work in them? How do you get the assignments that advance your career once inside? And where do you go from there?
Military Justice, International Criminal Accountability and Cross-Cultural Contexts: US v. Bales
The Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict of the American Society of International Law is sponsoring a panel discussion about the Court-Martial of US Army Sgt Bales for the murder of 16 Afghan civilians. The case presents a unique opportunity to explore the challenges in both investigating and prosecuting a case involving crimes in a remote area of a war zone, differing cultural perceptions of accountability and justice, and the relationship between military justice and international criminal justice.
A Conversation with Judge Charles N. Brower - "The Future Of International Arbitration"
Please join the Society's International Courts and Tribunals Interest Group (ICTIG) in welcoming ASIL's 2009 Manley O. Hudson Medalist, the Honorable Charles N. Brower, to discuss his significant and wide-ranging practice at the bar with distinguished service, both nationally and internationally, during 30 years in the fields of public international law and international dispute resolution.