
Grotian Moments and Accelerated Formation of Customary International Law

This discussion examines the concept of accelerated formation of customary international law and its application to humanitarian intervention and to drone strikes against terrorists. It features George Washington University Law School Professor Sean Murphy, a member of the UN International Law Commission, and Case Western Reserve University School of Law Professor Michael Scharf, author of the new book Customary International Law in Times of Fundamental Change: Recognizing Grotian Moments published by ASIL Publisher Partner Cambridge University Press.

Peaceful Resolution of International Disputes: Past, Present, and Future

2013 marks the 100th anniversary of American industrialist and ASIL founder Andrew Carnegie's gift of the Peace Palace to The Hague and the world community, realizing his vision of a forum for the peaceful resolution of international disputes. As part of the centenary events, the Society is pleased to host Judges Stephen Schwebel and Thomas Buergenthal, both formerly of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), housed at the Peace Palace, to reflect on the Court's impact, legacy, and continued role today and into the future.

ASIL Live Video

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ASIL Event Videos

ASIL is pleased to make videos of select events available to the public for on-demand viewing. Look for more content to be added regularly.

Women in International Law Networking Breakfast

This breakfast, sponsored by ASIL's Women in International Law Interest Group (WILIG), will feature accomplished professionals in various practices of international law discussing their career paths and offering professional advice and insights for women interested in pursuing careers in international law. The panel presentations will be followed by a Q&A session and networking opportunities among the panelists and participants.