P.R.I.M.E. Finance: The Role and Function of the New Arbitral Institution for the Settlement of Financial Disputes in The Hague

After years of controversy, a small group of countries, including the United States and European Union member states, announced in December 2010 that they had finalized a new "Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement"[1] ("ACTA"). With the negotiations complete, attention has turned to a question that may at first appear obscure, but is in fact of enormous importance: Can the U.S. President make the agreement on his own, without Congressional approval?
On April 12, 2011, the Australian Government released a Trade Policy Statement outlining a series of five principles and six disciplines that will guide Australian trade policy in the future. Having laid out a comprehensive map, the Statement pointedly expresses opposition to investor-state dispute settlement provisions in future Australian trade agreements:
On June 16, 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council endorsed Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This Insight describes the background to the Guiding Principles, the Principles themselves, and the Councilâs decision to endorse them.
From the Draft Norms to the Ruggie Framework
Continued rulings in World Trade Organization (WTO) disputes against the United States are having a profound effect on the WTO dispute settlement system, ongoing WTO negotiations, and U.S. anti-dumping law and practice.
The WTO dispute in ECâAircraft (DS316)[1] has been both lengthy (six years from the first consultations request to the circulation of the Appellate Body report) and complex (in terms of both legal and factual issues). This Insight provides a brief overview of the issues involved in the panel and appellate proceedings.
Factual Background