International Organizations

Libya’s Internationally-Recognized Parliament Votes to Reject the UN-Backed Unity Government (January 25, 2016)

Catherina Valenzuela-Bock

On January 25, 2016, the internationally-recognized parliament of Libya voted to reject the unity government proposed by the UN to resolve the political and armed conflict in the country.

UN Security Council Adopts Resolution Establishing Political Mission in Colombia (January 25, 2016)

Catherina Valenzuela-Bock

On January 25, 2016, the UN Security Council (Council) adopted a resolution establishing a politica

World Health Organization Declares Zika Virus International Public Health Emergency (February 1, 2016)

Catherina Valenzuela-Bock

On February 1, 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the Zika virus and the recent surge of neurological disorders and birth defects thought to be caused by it constitute an inte

UN Announces Peru will Compensate Woman in Human Rights Abortion Case (January 18, 2016)

Catherina Valenzuela-Bock

On January 18, 2016, the United Nations human rights office announced that Peru agreed to compensate a woman whose human rights had been violated when she was denied an abortion.

European Commission Rejects Belgium Corporate Tax Break Worth $765 Million (January 11, 2016)

Catherina Valenzuela-Bock

On January 11, 2016, the European Commission decided that a corporate tax break Belgium had granted to thirty-five companies violates EU state-aid rules.

UN Secretary-General Condemns North Korea’s Nuclear Testing (January 6, 2016)

Catherina Valenzuela-Bock

On January 6, 2016, the UN Secretary-General issued a press release strongly condemning the underground nuclear testi

Court of Justice of the European Union Rules on EU Institutional Prerogatives in ITLOS Advisory Opinion

The European Union (EU) is one of the world’s leading fishing powers and is party in its own right to several dozen multilateral, regional, and bilateral agreements on the management and conservation of fisheries, an area of exclusive EU competence under the common fisheries policy. [1]  Absolute clarity regarding the prerogatives of the European institutions in the conduct of the EU’s external representation is therefore of fundamental importance for all concerned with legal proceedings in international courts and tribunals.

Ronán Long

Japan and South Korea Reach Landmark Deal on “Comfort Women” (December 28, 2015)

Catherina Valenzuela-Bock

On December 28, 2015, Japan and South Korea concluded an agreement to resolve the dispute about “comfort women”—Korean women forced into sexual servitude for Japanese soldiers during World War II.

UN Security Council Passes Resolution Imposing Sanctions on ISIL (December 17, 2015)

Catherina Valenzuela-Bock

On December 17, 2015, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution imposing sanctions on