International Organizations

WTO Appellate Body issues Report on U.S.’s Anti-dumping Measures on Shrimp from Viet Nam (April 7, 2015)

Monica Moyo

On April 7, 2015, the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Appellate Body issued its report in United States

Security Council Adopts New Resolutions on Libya (March 27, 2015)

Monica Moyo

On March 27, 2015, acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted two resolutions—

Human Rights Council Adopts Resolution Creating Special Rapporteur on Privacy (March 26, 2015)

Monica Moyo

On March 26, 2015, the Human Rights Council created the mandate of a Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy.

UN Human Rights Council Releases Report on ISIL Abuses in Iraq (March 19, 2015)

Monica Moyo

On March 19, 2015, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) released a report

International Criminal Court Finds Sudan Non-Compliant for not Arresting and Surrendering Al Bashir and Informs Security Council (March 9, 2015)

Monica Moyo

On March 9, 2015, in Prosecutor v.