2016 Annual Meeting Audio

ASIL is pleased to make available audios of all available sessions from its 110th Annual Meeting, March 30 - April 2, 2016. Tracks include but are not limited to:
- Countering Violent Extremism
- Address by Justice Stephen Breyer
- Chilean President Michelle Bachelet on The Challenges to International Law in the 21st Century
- Address by Brian Egan
- Emerging Frontiers in the South China Sea
- Inaugural Detlev F. Vagts Roundtable on Transnational Law: Transnational Professional Ethics
- Adjudication of Military Deployment in National Courts
- Climate Litigation and the North-South Divide in International Environmental Law
- Is the Primacy of the ICJ in International Dispute Settlement Under Threat?
- Fourth Annual Charles N. Brower Lecture on International Dispute Resolution
- Treaties on Transit of Energy via Pipelines
- Africa’s New Economic Partnerships and Dispute Settlement
- New Frontiers in LGBTI Rights
Audio-only content is now available for streaming and or downloading.
- Grotius Lecture featuring President Michelle Bachelet [download track]
- Late Breaking Panel: Achieving Consensus in Climate Change [download track]
- Africa's New Economic Partnerships and Dispute Settlement [download track]
- Assembly & Keynote Address by Justice Stephen Breyer [download track]
- Conflict, Accountability, and Justice (New Voices) [download track]
- Do We Need a Treaty on Business and Human Rights? [download track]
- Economizing Justice in Times of Debt and Austerity [download track]
- Energy on the Move: Treaties on Transit of Energy via Pipelines [download track]
- Forum Non Concurrence in the Resolution of Investment Treaty Disputes [download track]
- Fourth Annual Charles N. Brower Lecture on International Dispute Resolution [download track]
- Migrants at Sea: What Role for International Law? [download track]
- New Frontiers in LGBTI Rights [download track]
- Protecting Cultural Heritage in Syria and Iraq: The Role of International Organizations and Governments [download track]
- Resources, Rights, and Revenue-Sharing: Redefining Standards for Consultations with Indigenous Peoples [download track]
- The Classification of Torture and the Continuing Impact of 9/11 [download track]
- The Disorganization of International Intellectual Property Law [download track]
- The Emergence of Cyber Deterrence: Implications for International Law [download track]
- The Iran Nuclear Deal as a New Model of International Lawmaking [download track]
- The Role of International Law Societies in Charting New Frontiers in International Law [download track]
- Theorizing Transnational Legal Orders [download track]
- U.S. and International Perspectives on the New U.S. Department of Defense Law of War Manual [download track]
- A Critical Assessment of Reparation in International Law [download track]
- Arbitrating the Public Interest [download track]
- Careers in International Organizations and the Public Interest [download track]
- Climate Litigation and the North-South Divide in International Environmental Law [download track]
- Comparative Perspectives on the Judicialization of Foreign Affairs: Adjudication of Military Deployment in National Courts [download track]
- Conceptualizing International Migration Law [download track]
- Did the Obama Administration Rebalance U.S. Interests in East Asia? Legal, Economic, and Security Concerns [download track]
- Human Rights Cities [download track]
- Inaugural Detlev F. Vagts Roundtable on Transnational Law: Transnational Professional Ethics [download track]
- International Law Beyond the Nation State? From People Power to ISIL/Daesh [download track]
- Keynote Address: Brian Egan, Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State [download track]
- Mining the Deep Seabed and Near Earth Asteroids [download track]
- Mock Debate: Is the Primacy of the International Court of Justice in International Dispute Settlement Under Threat? [download track]
- Re-Examining International Law at the International, Regional, and State Levels - New Voices [download track]
- Steering Africa's Blue Economy: The Role of International Law & Lessons for Other Maritime Regions [download track]
- Great Expectations? The Rise of the Regional Development Banks in a DC-Centered World [download track]
- Top-Down or Bottom-Up? TPP as a Model of Multilateral Law Making [download track]
- WILIG Luncheon: 25 Years Later: A Discussion of "Feminist Approaches to International Law" [download track]
- Domestic Implementation of International Treaties: The Next New Challenge for Private International Law? [download track]
- Emerging Frontiers in the South China Sea [download track]
- New Technologies, International Criminal Accountability, and First Responders [download track]
- Keynote Address and Closing Plenary: Ard van der Steur, Minister of Security and Justice, Government of the Netherlands [download track]